Florida Car Dealers License has Co-op used car dealer licenses nation-wide.  The particular Co-op used car dealership you will be part of could be located in any of the fifty states.  We do however tend to deal with about 20 states on a continuing basis because their laws for operating used car dealerships are favorable.  Please remember that you do not need a used car dealer license from your state to buy and sell cars in your state.  A used car dealer license transcends state lines.  For example a used car dealer from Florida can legally sell cars to anyone in the country, they are not restricted to just selling cars to Florida residents.  Also, a person living in Oregon is not required to buy a car from an Oregon used car dealer, they can buy a car from any used car dealer in the country.  For more information about your legal rights you can research "Interstate Commerce" on Google.com Florida Car Dealers License does try to place members on local Co-op used car dealerships, however Florida Car Dealers License can not guaranteed exact placement.  Please call Florida Car Dealers License for further information on where we are currently setting up Co-op used car dealerships and placing new members.