Becoming a Member of Forida Car Dealer License

1.) Florida Car Dealers: dealer license application process takes less then two weeks to complete.
The application process starts by filling out the form and sending in the dealer license application with the initial payment.

2.) Florida Car Dealers : will then require further information. This information will be optioned by  phone interview or in person, This information is necessary in order to add you as a affiliate to the LLC,  the insurance company and the auctions.

3.) On completion of dealer survey, Florida Car Dealers will complete the process of adding you as a used car dealer license member  and send you a affiliate guide book. Affiliate guide book contains all the necessary material to start buying and selling used cars for profit. Again, the whole dealer license application process takes less then two weeks to complete.

Lets Get Started!!!

Click Here To Start Application Process

As with any business, there are other fees that you, the dealer license member, are responsible for. These other fees can be thought of as variable expenses and are directly related to your personal used car dealings and you are therefore personally responsible for. Other such expenses are, but not limited to, advertising, auction fees, transporting, DMV and other administrative fees. In other words, you are responsible for any and all fees related to the used cars you buy and sell. The monthly payment you pay to be part of the dealership is to cover fixed overhead expenses only. Any and all variable overhead expenses are the sole responsibility of the used car dealer license member.